crafted by photobiz

Why Did I Create this Program?

I always thought I "had an eye" for photography. Until I started my own business. I realized really quick that I had a lot to learn and no one to learn it from. The industry is very cut-throat and you have to have a thick skin when you ask other photographers for advice. Many of you may have just avoided asking altogether out of fear or embarrassment. But we ALL have had to start somewhere! Years ago, I was ridiculed for my "newbie" status before I became seasoned and comfortable. Here's the thing: feedback and criticism was both crucial for me and destructive. Crucial because I couldn't get better if someone kept telling me my flops were good (don't worry. You won't see that happen in the pro community). It was destructive in the sense that most other pros are a bit too critical to the point of putting down. I started feeling really bad about my work and almost gave up. You see, constructive criticism is not the same as criticism. Why was I shocked when people who were competing against me weren't always "polite"? I continued to undergo the "critiques" because it was making me a better photographer. I pushed the envelope and strived to be good enough to not be ridiculed. While this worked for me, I started thinking there must be a better way for budding photographers to improve their skills without being discouraged. It's a good thing I didn't give up! I ended up gaining respect and doubling, then tripling my prices as my art and business skills improved. I remember the first time another respected photographer publicly told me that they wished they'd been the one to capture an image I'd created. Customers became more excited than ever about my services. I was finally there! Now, I am offering to pass all the info I've learned the hard way on to you in a way that is much easier and painless. If you are new at photography and really want to earn money with it, then this is the program to get you started!